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  • An IDC Sponsored Event
    Webinar: Data-Based Problem-Solving Teams to Reduce Exclusionary Discipline

    Since the COVID-19 pandemic, state teams in the IDC-PBIS Discipline Partnership have grappled with increases in school discipline rates, including discipline that results in missed instructional time for students. In this webinar event, we discussed strategies, resources, and some personal experiences of our state presenters that can help strengthen the effective use of data-driven problem-solving teams to better understand the root causes of challenging behavior and to reduce the need for and reliance on exclusionary discipline.


  • Leadership with an Equity Mindset: Using Preschool Special Education Data

    ECTA + IDC + DaSy? Yes! Join us on April 26 for the first in this four-part webinar series on preschool special education data in which we will cover bringing an equity mindset to the full data life cycle. This series will prepare you to identify and analyze your data to remove barriers to equitable access, experiences, and outcomes as part of a continuous improvement process.

  • An IDC Sponsored Event
    Setting the Stage for Reasonably Designed Methodology: Back to Basics on Indicator 4

    Did your state receive OSEP comments for Indicator 4 in the FFY2021 SPP/APR submission? An increased focus on significant discrepancies in discipline not only challenges states to examine Indicator 4 but also makes the importance of attending to basics apparent. In this IDC webinar event, we discussed these topics and more, including the critical decision points necessary for consideration when it comes to Indicator 4.

  • Accessible IDEA Data: The What and Why

    Join the Weiss Center as we delve into the crucial realm of data accessibility for individuals with disabilities. In today's digital age, equitable access to information is paramount, and this session aims to shed light on the challenges, strategies, and standards involved in making data accessible

  • Webinar Replay: Adopting an Equity Mindset for Preschool Special Education Data

    Hosted by the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA)--and in collaboration with DaSy and IDC--the four-part webinar series Leadership With an Equity Mindset: Using Preschool Special Education Data focused on collaboration between Part B, Section 619 Coordinators and Part B Data Manager or data staff responsible for preschool special education data. View these archived events to learn more about adopting an equity mindset throughout the full data life cycle, such as when analyzing data to identify and remove barriers to equitable access, experiences, and outcomes.

  • OSERS Symposia Series: Beyond the IDEA and WIOA Requirements

    The 2023-2024 OSERS Symposia Series will provide an opportunity for the field to join OSERS in the challenge to raise expectations, engage families earlier, and fully empower all individuals who support transition services to improve post-school outcomes for children and youth with disabilities and their families. OSERS for a look beyond the requirements of IDEA and WIOA to maximize the experiences and opportunities for children, youth and young adults with disabilities and their families.