Back-to-Basics on Part B Suspension and Expulsion—What You Need to Know About Indicator B4

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This webinar launched IDC's Back-to-Basics Webinar Series for new Part B state staff, staff with new indicator responsibilities, and those who wanted a refresher on the ins-and-outs of the SPP/APR indicators and related Section 618 data collections. The webinar focused on beginning level information on Indicator B4 (Suspensions and Expulsions), including a review of B4's specific criteria and data sources; steps and calculations required to collect, analyze, and report Indicator B4 data; and any differences or similarities between Indicator B4 and the other indicators. 

Expected outcomes for this webinar were that the participants would have a better understanding of Indicator B4 requirements to ensure high-quality data for SPP/APR reporting and increased knowledge about available resources and supports for understanding and reporting Indicator B4 data.