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    An IDC Resource

    Format: Checklists, Crosswalks, and Rubrics

    Part C Exiting Data Matrix: Categories with Child-Level Examples

    This matrix is both a standalone product and the fourth section of the IDEA Data Center Part C Exiting Data Toolkit. It contains scenarios for each of the 10 exiting categories. The Part C Exiting Data Toolkit is designed to assist states in reporting high-quality Part C exiting data, required under Section 618 of IDEA. The remaining three sections in the Part C Exiting Data Toolkit are: Part C Exiting Reasons and Categories (Section 1); General Challenges and Potential Solutions (Section 2, Part 1); Specific Challenges, Potential Solutions, and Variation (Section 2, Part 2); and Data Check Patterns and Additional Data Check Patterns to Ensure Non-Duplicated Counts of All Eligible Exiting Children (Section 3).

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Checklists, Crosswalks, and Rubrics

    IDEA Part C Confidentiality Checklist

    The IDEA Part C Confidentiality Checklist outlines the various confidentiality provisions of IDEA law in an easy-to-understand format in order to support agencies in complying with privacy and confidentiality provisions under IDEA Part C. The checklist also provides a means for documenting implementation practices states may need to follow or actions they may need to take to implement or improve implementation of the confidentiality provisions.

    Format: Recordings

    EMAPS IDEA Part C Child Count and Settings Survey Webinar

    On Tuesday, February 23, 2016,  OSEP, ESB, and PSC presented the EMAPS IDEA Part C Child Count and Settings Survey Webinar.

    The purpose of this webinar was to review the procedures for submitting this survey, including the new cumulative counts for race/ethnicity and gender, new additional year-to-year rows, and change in the email notifications. The final slides are available to review here:

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Recordings

    Reporting and Using Data to Ensure Successful Transitions in Early Childhood Webinar

    This webinar highlighted the IDEA state reporting requirements for early childhood transitions for both Part C and Part B, found in the SPP/APR Part C Indicator 8 and Part B Indicators 11 and 12. Participants shared resources related to transition, data collection, and reporting, as well as the use of both Part C and Part B data to facilitate high quality transitions. North Dakota's Part C coordinator and data manager and Montana's 619 coordinator and data manager described how their states collect and use transition data to ensure smooth transitions for all young children as they turn three and move from early intervention services to preschool 619 services.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Recordings

    Annual Report to Congress on Implementation of IDEA Webinar

    The webinar featured the purpose and history of the Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, its current organization and content, links to the report and its data sources, and suggestions for how participants can use the report. The webinar was designed so that participants would have a greater understanding of why it is important to work to improve the quality of IDEA-related data by seeing how the U.S. Department of Education uses IDEA data to meet an annual statutory requirement to report to Congress;. In addition, it was designed to help participants become familiar with a key resource on state and national IDEA data and related information and prompt them to think about how they might use the resource.

    Format: Recordings

    Foundations of IDEA Fiscal Management Webinar

    The Foundations of IDEA Fiscal Management Webinar provides a basic introduction to the IDEA fiscal requirements.

    Format: Recordings

    Part C State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report 2017 Indicator Analyses

    The Part C State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report 2017 Indicator Analyses presents a national picture of the implementation of Part C of IDEA based on a review of information 56 states and jurisdictions (55 for Indicator 11) reported in their FFY 2015 APRs and amended state-submitted 2017 SPPs/APRs. For the purposes of the report, the term “state” is used for both states and jurisdictions. The report, which covers Part C Indicators 1 through 11, can be downloaded in Word format.