Archived Resources

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    An IDC Resource

    Format: Guides, Papers, and Reports

    CEIS Practice Guide

    The CEIS Practice Guide provides two scenarios each for voluntary CEIS and comprehensive CEIS. Each scenario describes an LEA’s implementation of voluntary or comprehensive CEIS and how the LEA or state could track the amount LEAs reserved for voluntary or comprehensive CEIS, the activities conducted using IDEA funds for voluntary or comprehensive CEIS, the target group of students, and ongoing student-level data about special education services. IDC and CIFR collaborated to develop the practice guide.

    Format: Checklists, Crosswalks, and Rubrics

    Checklist: Data Sharing Agreement

    The purpose of this document is to summarize the requirements for the written agreements under the studies exception and the auditor evaluation exception as specified in the FERPA.

    Format: Presentations

    Child Outcomes and Data Quality

    The presentation provides strategies for making predictions of the ways in which improvements in data quality will impact the summary statements and describes different ways to impact and measure changes in data quality over time. This can help states currently struggling to predict how improvements in data quality will impact the value of the summary statements describing child outcomes. Helpful handouts are included.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Presentations

    Cohort Selection - Making Decisions on Where to Focus Implementation

    Selection of a cohort, or Transformation Zone, for SSIP implementation is a principle consideration in developing an action plan. The presentation addresses variables that states should considered in making those decisions and provides information on methods to determine readiness and eliciting involvement of an LEA/EIS.

    Format: Presentations

    Collaborative Partnerships Between State Special Education Data Managers and EDFacts Coordinators: Two Models-Working Together to Make a Difference

    The presentation outlined the collaborative partnerships between the Part B data manager and EDFacts coordinator in two states--West Virginia and Kansas. The discussion included a range of topics from collaborating on data collection and verification at the LEA level to SEA EDFacts submissions. The presentation included time for other Part B data managers to share strategies for successful submission of their 618 data through EDFacts.

    Format: Presentations

    Collecting and Using Data on Improvement Strategies

    Information focuses on ways to collect and use data on coherent improvement strategies and assess gaps in existing data for evaluation and provides examples of existing data or information states are already collecting (e.g., through monitoring) and how to use that data to measure SSIP activities. A helpful handout is included.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Presentations

    Collecting High-Quality Data: Why It Is Important

    This presentation focused on what is meant by the term “data quality” and provided information regarding the importance of high-quality data in the collection, reporting, and use of data in local and state decision making. Presenters shared actual examples from state experiences.