Educational Environments for Children Ages 3-5—What You Need to Know About New Section 618 Reporting Clarifications

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The webinar reviewed new OSEP reporting clarifications on how states categorize children ages 3-5 within educational environments and how the clarifications may affect both national data and some state processes for collecting and reporting the data. The webinar also featured IDC’s resources on Educational Environments Ages 3-5: B6 Reporting Tools 2017-2018 Clarifications and Interactive Application and how states can use the resources to support their data collection and reporting efforts. As a result of the webinar, participants have increased knowledge of

·    new reporting clarifications for educational environments for children 3-5

·    how the clarification may affect state data collection and reporting processes

·    how their states may have to make changes in their data collection and reporting processes in light of the clarifications

·    how the clarifications may affect their state’s performance on Indicator B6